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Welcome from the Principal

Accrington Academy’s mission is to “Build Character, Create Learners and Transform Lives”  

TEAM AA is committed to empowering every individual so that they fulfil our mission, allowing them to succeed at university, prosper in an outstanding career pathway and grow into happy, outstanding members of society 


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  • Can we visit the school?

    We can arrange for you to have a tour of the school during term time with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If you are interested in a tour, please contact our main reception on 01254 304300. 

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  • Where can I get school uniform from?

    School uniform can be bought from one of our two preferred suppliers; Whittakers or Abbey Street Shopping Centre. Year ties and House badges can be purchased within school throughout the year at our Student Services. 

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  • What equipment should I purchase for my child?

    We expect each child should be prepared for learning by having the following equipment with them each day; a pencil case, 2 x black pens, 2 x HB pencils, 2 x red pens, a highlighter, a 30cm ruler, a protractor, an eraser, a scientific calculator, a compass and a pencil sharpener. Individual subject areas will provide guidance on other specialist equipment required once pupils start school. 

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  • Can I add money to my child’s school account throughout the day?

    Yes. We do not encourage students to bring cash to the Academy and we use the SCOPAY app that allows parents/carers to pay online for items such as school lunch, equipment and school trips. 

    During the first week of term parents will be given an activation code to be able to access this service. 

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  • How do I pay for school trips/activities?

    As part of our cashless system, SCOPAY removes the possibility of loss or theft of money from pupils. If/when your child(ren) signs up to a trip, this will appear under the ‘trips’ icon and payments can be made against the trip there. 

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  • What adult support do children have?

    Students are placed in mixed ability form groups and the form tutors will stay with their forms for their time at Accrington Academy. Input is given from Year 6 teachers to try and help maintain friendship groups. Tutors see their forms each day for 15 minutes in a morning and 30 minutes each afternoon to help build strong relationships.  

    We have 5 experienced Heads of Year who work with a team of Assistant Principals to provide both pastoral and academic support for our students. 

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  • What extra-curricular provision is available?

    We run a comprehensive enrichment programme, Accrington Extra, and the termly timetable can be found on our website. Sessions run from 3.15-4.00pm and students are provided with new and exciting opportunities each term. 

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  • What should I do if my child is absent?

    Please ring the school absence line before 8am 01254 304306 or email

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  • What should I do if I am taking my child out of school for a family holiday?

    We do discourage parents/carers from taking family holidays or trips during term time. Children who miss significant periods of time from school do jeopardise their progress and attainment as they miss out on key teaching and learning opportunities. Families should seek permission from the Headteacher should they wish to take their child out of school. 

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  • Who do I speak to now that my child doesn’t have one class teacher?

    Our reception will be open to pass on information and messages. Each child will have a form tutor as well as a Head of Year. All these people can be contacted via email, and we would encourage as much interaction as possible. 

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  • Can my child bring a mobile device into school?

    The Academy recognises the benefits of mobile devices and will endeavour to allow students to bring the devices into school. However, in school we have a strict ‘see it, hear it, take it’ gate to gate policy and mobile phones should be switched off and not be visible within the school grounds. The school cannot take any responsibility for any loss or damage. 

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  • Can I apply for free school meals?

    If you think that your child is entitled to free school meals, please speak to Lancashire County Council about your application. 


    You can check your eligibility by following this link



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  • What happens if my child has an accident at school?

    Unfortunately, sometimes children do have accidents or become unwell whilst they are at school, in the event of an emergency we would need to contact you. Please ensure that we have up-to-date contact details for you and any other parent/carers. 

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  • How do you keep in touch with parents/carers?

    Parents can download the Arbor App which enables you to receive notifications for basic information such as attendance, achievement points and detentions. 

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  • Are subjects set?

    Students will complete baseline assessments as part of their induction period which will allow us to set them for all subjects. Adjustments are made during the year as needed. English and Humanities are set based on English scores, whilst Mathematics and Science are based on Mathematics scores. PE is set independently. 

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  • Can I join the Governing Body?

    Parent governors play a vital role on governing bodies, holding the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. We actively encourage parents to apply to be involved within the school’s governing body. 


    If you are interested in becoming a parent governor please email our Governance professional

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